- Post-Doc position
We are looking for a highly motivated and skilled postdoc to acquire large neural recordings during animal behavior and develop and apply computational models on these neuronal data. In a collaboration with labs from the US and Germany, the candidate will have several opportunities to train on specific techniques abroad.The ideal candidate has a PhD in machine learning, neuroscience, math, electrical engineering, or related fields, and a strong background in mathematics, statistics, programming with prior experience in working on neural data.
- PhD positions
We are looking for highly motivated PhD students to work on recording neural data across multiple cortical areas, large scale behavioral training of animals and analyzing neuronal recordings. In a collaboration with labs from the US and Germany, the candidates will have several opportunities to train on specific techniques abroad. The ideal candidate should have a master’s degree in neuroscience, electrical engineering, computer science, math, psychology or related fields. Previous experience with programing or neural recordings, or behavioral training not necessary but advantageous.